Counterfeiters thrive in regions of the world that have low labor costs and laws that allow manufacturers to produce and sell replica coins without marks indicating their non-genuine nature. This laissez faire policy is in stark contrast to the United States Hobby Protection Act of 1973 that requires such items to be marked to positively identify them as imitations, but clearly the written law alone does not ensure compliance. It is strongly recommended that coin collectors research and learn the breadth and scope of fake coins that are openly sold online. Articles written to protect consumers can unwittingly serve as tutorials for idea starved criminals, so please understand when we ask you to use a search engine rather than supplying links. Search keywords ‘replica coin’ and/or ‘copy coin’ for an eye opening look at the dark side of internet commerce. Examples of fake error coins that are widely distributed today are shown below.
Fake 1951-D Lincoln cents die struck off center
Fake 1884-O Morgan dollar die struck off center